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GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd11: The Carlsbad Structure for Black

Opening: D36: QGD; Exchange - positional line: 6.Qc2

Player(s): Hulak, Spassky, Furman, Klovans, Polugaevsky, Taimanov, Nezhmetdinov

Now it is time to show also how black can play against the Carlsbad structure. Usually, it depends on what white is doing. Black has the chance to try and attack with a pawn storm on the kingside, which is rarely used nowadays, or he can attack just with pieces if white gives him such a chance. That is usually dangerous for white. If white tries to castle on the Queenside and attack black on his kingside castle, black has to be very quick and seek counterplay with active play. Also, black has some strategical ideas on fighting against minority attack, which is the most used plan by white. Black would like to exchange his light-squared Bishop, and then if he has time to push b5, and if N lands on c4, he might be even better!

Teacher's library (107) D36 Hulak Spassky Furman Klovans Polugaevsky Taimanov Nezhmetdinov game analysis

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