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Spassky Player index

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Breakthrough
Spassky, Penrose, Ascic, Kuljasevic
E80, C77 King's Indian: Sämisch Variation, Ruy Lopez: Morphy Defence
IM John Watson: Indian systems: Part 14
Nedochotov, Zimmerma Petrosian, Spassky
E63, E63 King's Indian: fianchetto, Panno variation, King's Indian: fianchetto, Panno variation
GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd11: The Carlsbad Structure for Black
Hulak, Spassky, Furman, Klovans, Polugaevsky, Taimanov, Nezhmetdinov
D36 QGD; Exchange - positional line: 6.Qc2
GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd9: Small Center
Pap, Bogosavljevic, Spassky, Larsen, Tarrasch, Cigorin
C41, C46, C77 Philidor Defence, Three Knights Game including Halloween Gambit, Ruy Lopez: Morphy Defence
GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd3 - Isolani - Blocked
Jovcic, Pap, Karpov, Spassky, Kortschnoj, Karpov, Botvinnik, Zagoriansky
B22, D37, D53, A13 Sicilian Closed, QGD; 4.Nf3, QGD; 4.Bg5 Be7, English Opening: 1...e6 (without: 2.e4 - 2.d4)
GM Misa Pap - Best Championship Matches - 6. 1972 - Spassky vs. Fischer
Fischer, Spassky
E56, A77, B88, E41, D59, B97 Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 - Main line with 7...Nc6, Benoni: Classical - 9...Re8, 10.Nd2, Sicilian: Sozin - Leonhardt Variation
Champions’ Extraordinary Winning Ideas - Video 8 - Petrosian’s Exchange Sacrifice
Reshevsky, Petrosian, Rashkovsky, Spassky, Ulko, Morozevich, Lilienthal, Ragozin, Geller, Uhlmann
E58, A77, D03, E90, E49, C09 Nimzo-Indian, Benoni, Torre Attack (Tartakower Variation), King's Indian, Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 Botvinnik System, French: Tarrasch
GM Joel’s Need to Know Basics - Video 9
Karpov, Unzicker, Petrosian, Spassky, Kasparov, Shirov, Englisch, Steinitz, Benjamin, Zaichik, Mamedyarov, Gordon
C98, E66, B33, C60, D26, D38 Ruy Lopez: closed - Chigorin - Rauzer attack, King's Indian: Fianchetto - Yugoslav Panno, Sicilian, Ruy Lopez, QGA, QGD Ragozin
GM Davorin Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Breakthrough
Spassky, Penrose, Ascic, Kuljasevic
E80, C77
Attack with LarryC: Spassky Chimes in Moscow 1973
Spassky, Averkin
B44 Sicilian, Szén (anti-Taimanov) variation
Attack with LarryC: Spassky shows Kan-do Spirit
Spassky, Capelan
Improve Your Chess: Highly Instructive Games - Spassky-Fischer Game 3, 1972
Spassky, Fischer
GM Joel’s Chess Week Recap - Episode 43
Lombardy, Benko, Gerusel, Spassky
D40, E37, B94
Ronen’s Greatest Hits! - Boris Spassky - Part 2
Boris Spassky
Ronen’s Greatest Hits! - Boris Spassky - Part 1
Boris Spassky
Attack with LarryC: Stock Sacs on g5
Spassky, Genin, Bacrot, Burnier, Kacheishvili, Nezad, Artemiev, Motylev
C78, C50 Ruy Lopez, Giuoco Piano
Ronen through Chess history: Chess Olympiad - Part 1
Portish, Radulov, Ribli, Ljubojevic, Miles, Spassky
E12, E04 Queen's Indian Defense, Catalan
Ronen through Chess history: USSr vs. World 1970 - part 2
Fischer, Petrosian, Portisch, Kortschnoj, Spassky, Larsen
B13, A33, E12 Caro-Kann, English Opening, Queen's Indian
Ronen through Chess history: USSr vs. World 1970 - part 1
Larsen, Spassky
A01 Larsen's Opening
Attack with LarryC: Spassky’s shows Kan-do Spirit
Spassky, Capelan
B42 Sicilian: Kan Variation: 5Bd3
Ronen through Chess history: The Match that changed Chess history - Part 4
Spassky, Fischer
D37, B99, B46 QGD: 5Bf4, SicilianNajdorf: 6Bg5 e6 7f4 Be7, Sicilian: Taimanov: Nc3 a6
Ronen through Chess history: The Match that changed Chess history - Part 3
Spassky, Fischer
C95, B97, B04 Closed Ruy Lopez: Breyer Variation with 10 d4, Sicilian Najdorf: poisoned pawn, Alekhine's defence: 4Nf3
Ronen through Chess history: The Match that changed Chess history - Part 2
Spassky, Fischer
D59, A39, C95 QGD: Tartakower Defense: Main Line (8 cxd5 Nxd5), Symmetrical English vs …g6: 4 Bg2 Bg7 5 Nf3 Nf6 6 O-O-O O-O 7 d4, Closed Ruy Lopez: Breyer Variation with 10 d4
Ronen through Chess history: The Match that changed Chess history - Part 1
Spassky, Fischer
E56, A00, A77, E41
Ronen through Chess history: Spassky vs. Petrosian - 1969 World Championship
Spassky, Petrossian
B94 Sicilian: Najdorf, 6.Bg5
Ronen through Chess history: Karpov vs. Korchnoi
Spassky, Petrossian
B94 Sicilian: Najdorf, 6.Bg5
Sharpen your chess-sense with IM Watson! - London system Part 2
Spassky, Bukic, Ivanchuk, Svidler, Speelman, Haik
Beyond the Opening: Indian systems: Part 14
Nedochotov, Zimmerma Petrosian, Spassky
E63, E63 King's Indian: fianchetto, Panno variation, King's Indian: fianchetto, Panno variation
Beyond the Opening: The Center #4
Matousek, Gofstein, Bindrich, Geiling, PolgarJ, Spassky
Attack with LarryC: A favorite from my youth
Lalic, Christiansen, Spassky, Geller