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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 5

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Player(s): Biliy, Vovk, Shirov, Simacek, Bischoff, Mueller, Benko, Horowitz, Akopian, Piskov

His new video series is about one of the most satisfying moments a player can have at the board: checkmate.
The series is thought to be useful for players whose rating is in the 1400-2000 range, but every chess player can enjoy these videos.
However, GM Miguel will not show us a long list of checkmate examples. The series intends to teach patterns. Knowing the patterns that lead to the ultimate chess result is fundamental to becoming a strong chess player.
In the fifth video, GM Illescas presents us a series of exercises on Lucena's mate, which he has explained in video 4

Teacher's library (84) Biliy Vovk Shirov Simacek Bischoff Mueller Benko Horowitz Akopian Piskov endgame

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