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GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 9

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Video 9: Transition into the endgame (part 1) 

In the final chapters of the series, we will explore a crucial topic: how and when is it good to transition into the endgame? Due to its relevance and ample instructive material, I divided this topic into two parts. In the first part, we look at positions where a queen trade is a favorable decision.
The elements that usually work in the favor of trading queens are:

1) Possibility of exploiting the opponent’s weakness(es) more easily in the endgame

2) Possibility of exploiting our positional advantages more easily in the endgame

3) Lack of attacking potential in the middlegame

4) Eliminating the opponent’s potential for counterplay or an attack in the endgame

5) The opponent’s queen was a stronger piece than our queen, so it makes sense to swap them

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