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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 4

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Player(s): Rajlich, Horvath, Greco, Moerphy, Mac Connel, Ravi, Gdanski, Szieberth

GM Miguel Illescas, after a short break, is back! His new video series is about one of the most satisfying moments a player can have at the board: checkmate. The series is thought to be useful for players whose rating is in the 1400-2000 range, but every chess player can enjoy these videos. GM Miguel is not going to show us a long list of checkmate examples, though. The intent of the series is to teach patterns. Knowing the patterns that lead to the ultimate chess result is fundamental in the process of becoming a strong chess player. In the fourth video, GM Illescas presents us the Lucena's mate, another fundamental piece of knowledge on the way to learn the mating patterns!

Teacher's library (84) Rajlich Horvath Greco Moerphy Mac Connel Ravi Gdanski Szieberth endgame

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