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Norway chess 2015 - GOTD Round 3

Opening: B51: Sicilian: Moscow attack

Player(s): Carlsen, Giri

GM Joel Benjamin recaps Round 3. Another incredible day in Norway. The first of the three Grand Chess Tour tournaments is proving to be a rollercoaster, with the strongest guys in the world offering some pretty thrilling games. Today Magnus tried hard to win, and was really so close, but missed a - not easy to see - amazing bishop sac and had to keep trying and trying, in a totally drawn endgame, with a particularly careful ad precise Giri, until only the Kings survived on the board. Nakamura won his second game today, outplaying a rather disappointing Caruana. They went into an apparently drawn endgame, but Fabiano blundered allowing Hikaru to invade the enemy's field with his rook, which resulted to be fatal for Caruana. Topalov scored a neat win against MVL, who found himself without a real plan after the opening, to succumb to the super-strong Bulgarian GM. Anand and Grischuk drew, and so did Aronian and Hammer. After three rounds, Nakamura and Topalov lead with 2.5 points, followed by Giri with 2. At 50% with 1.5 points Caruana, Anand and MVL. 1 point for Grischuk, Aronian and Hammer. Carlsen closes the list with 0.5.

Teacher's library (453) B51 Carlsen Giri recap

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Norway chess 2015 - GOTD Round 3

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