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GM Yermolinsky - What it takes to be a complete 1.d4 player - Queen’s Indian - g3 - Vd 4

Opening: E17: Queen's Indian 5.Bg2 Be7

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Gulko

In the main variation with ...Ne4, I always preferred to reply with a modest move Bd2. Black has many options in return. In Videos 1 and 2 we saw a Kings Indian type of position, and now it's time to study what happens in a Benoni structure. Again, White is lacking an important dark-squared bishop, so he has to seek unusual ideas. Video #3 shares my attempts to follow the games of Karpov and Kasparov, with slight alterations caused by memory lapses on my part. Still, it was enjoyable. Video #4 is a memorable game for me. I was able to inflict a rare defeat on GM Boris Gulko by introducing a host of new ideas in a Dutch-like structure, yet another possible permutation of the Bd2 variation. You can download the games in PGN format HERE.

Teacher's library (718) E17 Yermolinsky Gulko opening

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