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GM Pia Cramling recaps the Semifinals of the 1st FIDE GP 2022

Opening: D20, D36: Queen's Gambit Accepted, QGD; Exchange - positional line - 6.Qc2

Player(s): Dominguez, Nakamura, Aronian, Rapport

GM Pia Cramling analyzes and comments on the two most important games of the semifinals.
The 1st Grand Prix in Berlin has been an exciting event, and the two finalists are deserving their spot.
The final will be played as a mini-match of two games with classical time control.
Should the two players tie, there will be a mini-match of two rapid games, with time control 15+10.
If still tied after the rapid, two Blitz games with time control 3+2.
And, as usual, if the finalists are still tied, the feared Armageddon game, to decide the winner of the 1st FIDE Grand Prix.
The winner gets 13 Grand Prix points, and the runner-up 10.
Tomorrow, Monday, February the 14th is a rest day, because there won't be any tiebreaks. Play resumes Tuesday, February the 15th, at 9 AM EST - 15:00 Berlin (CET) - 14:00 UTC, with the first game of the final.

Teacher's library (22) D20 D36 Dominguez Nakamura Aronian Rapport recap

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