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GM Misa Pap’s “Make the Right Decisions in Critical Positions!” - Attack and Defend

Opening: B33, C55:

Player(s): Pap, Poetsch, Nestorovic

Playing at the same time, with attack and defense, sometimes even on the whole board, is a form of Art. The necessity to make critical decisions in such complicated positions, decide what to do and when seems to be the prerogative of a small fraction of the chess players. Those positions are maybe the most sensitive ones, and usually, the price of one move (or tempo) is very high. So, stay focused, and be ready to strike when needed! In this fourth video os his course, GM Misa - with some great examples - shows how to make the right decision when defending, by attacking!

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Teacher's library (107) OFFICIAL COURSE 12 B33 C55 Pap Poetsch Nestorovic midgame

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