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GM Misa Pap - The Importance of Small Tactics in Endgames - Vd 14: Attacking with opposite Bishops

Opening: A57, B32, C45, B61: Benko Gambit, Sicilian Defence 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4, Scotch Game, Sicilian Richter–Rauzer Larsen Variation - 7.Qd2

Player(s): Ristic, Pap, Vuckovic, Van der Wiel, Sokolov, Karpov, Byrne

You might already know how important is this topic in middlegames. If you get initiative and some attack going, regardless of material (number of pawns), you should be better, even sometimes winning! Similar rules also apply for those positions in endgames, with minor differences: in endgames, you need to be more careful because of reduced material; chances of your opponent to reach a drawn position, with some exchanges, are usually higher. In this video, GM Misa presents a few nice positions from these endgames, where the importance of initiative and attack, with unavoidable use of small tactics, is shown.

Teacher's library (107) A57 B32 C45 B61 Ristic Pap Vuckovic Van der Wiel Sokolov Karpov Byrne endgame

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