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Karpov Player index

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Python Squeeze
Karpov, Unzicker, Andersson
C98 Ruy Lopez Closed Chigorin 12...Nc6
GM Alex Yermolinsky - Double Pawns in the English - Part 5
Kasparov, Karpov, Ivanchuk
A29 English Opening: Four Knights - Kingside Fianchetto: 1...e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3
GM Alex Yermolinsky - Double Pawns in the English - Part 4
Kasparov, Karpov
A29 English Opening: Four Knights - Kingside Fianchetto: 1...e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3
Ronen’s Chess week - Episode 19
Karpov, Kasparov
B44, D35, B85 Sicilian: Szén Variation (5.Nb5), QGD: Exchange Variation, Sicilian: Scheveningen Classical Variation with ...Qc7 and ...Nc6
Ronen’s Chess week - Episode 17
Kasparov, Karpov
GM Petrov’s New Strategies in the Middlegame - Vd16: Playing Against Isolated Pawns
Bisguier, Karpov
D94 Grünfeld 5.e3
GM Misa Pap - The Importance of Small Tactics in Endgames - Vd 15: Attacking with opposite Bishops 2
Kotov, Botvinnik, Pap, Leskur, Sgircea, Karpov, Ivkov, Illescas
D45, B22, B36, C92, D46 QGD; Semi-Slav 5.e3, Sicilian; Alapin Variation, Sicilian; Accelerated Fianchetto - Maroczy bind, Ruy Lopez; Closed - 9.h3
GM Misa Pap - The Importance of Small Tactics in Endgames - Vd 14: Attacking with opposite Bishops
Ristic, Pap, Vuckovic, Van der Wiel, Sokolov, Karpov, Byrne
A57, B32, C45, B61 Benko Gambit, Sicilian Defence 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4, Scotch Game, Sicilian Richter–Rauzer Larsen Variation - 7.Qd2
GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd10: The Carlsbad Structure for White
Petrosian, Krogius, Botvinnik, Larsen, Marshall, Rubinstein, Timman, Karpov
D91, D36, D35 Grünfeld: Three Knights Variation, QGD; Exchange - positional line: 6.Qc2, QGD: Exchange Variation
GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd5: Hanging Pawns - Blockade
Furman, Kholmov, Taimanov, Karpov, Petrosian, Smyslov, Poulsson, Farago
D30, E55, A15, D41 QGD Semi-Slav, Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3, English: Anglo-Indian Defence, QGD: Semi-Tarrasch - 5.cxd5
GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd4: Hanging Pawns - Attack
Nimzowitsch, Tarrasch, Dus Chotimirsky, Razuvaev, Farago, Vaisser, Meduna, Kortschnoj, Karpov
D05, D40, D41, D42, D58 Queen's Pawn Game, QGD; Semi-Tarrasch Defence, QGD; Semi-Tarrasch - 5.cxd5, QGD; Semi-Tarrasch - 7.Bd3, QGD; Tartakower System
GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd3 - Isolani - Blocked
Jovcic, Pap, Karpov, Spassky, Kortschnoj, Karpov, Botvinnik, Zagoriansky
B22, D37, D53, A13 Sicilian Closed, QGD; 4.Nf3, QGD; 4.Bg5 Be7, English Opening: 1...e6 (without: 2.e4 - 2.d4)
GM Misa Pap - Best Championship Matches - 8. 1985 - Kasparov vs. Karpov
Kasparov, Karpov
B44, E15, D34, C42 Sicilian Defence: 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6, Queen's Indian - 4.g3, QGD: Tarrasch 7...Be7, Petrov's Defence
GM Misa Pap - Best Championship Matches - 7. 1978 - Karpov vs. Kortchnoi
Karpov, Kortchnoi
D58, C82, E42, A29, B20 QGD: Tartakower System, Ruy Lopez: Open 9.c3, Nimzo-Indian: Hubner Variation, English Opening Four Knights Kingside Fianchetto
Champions’ Extraordinary Winning Ideas - Video 14 - Tandem 2 (Q+N vs. Q+B)
Anand, Piket, Adams, Kosintseva, Tiviakov, Miedema, Motylev, Elanjov, Sjugirov, Jojua, Ljubojevic, Karpov, Tregubv, Harikrishna,
C95, C07, C84, D37, B19, E48 Ruy Lopez: Closed - Breyer, French: Tarrasch, Ruy Lopez: Closed, QGD, Caro-Kann, Nimzo-Indian
Champions’ Extraordinary Winning Ideas - Video 6 - Importance of the outpost
Petrosian, Pilnik, Pap, Grbac, Karpov, Andersson, Ivanchuk, Carlsen, Polgar, Kasparv, Kortschnoj, Popovic
A56, B22, E11, B03, E62, D43 Benoni, Sicilian: Alapin, Bogo-Indian, Alekhine's Defense, King's Indian: Fianchetto, QGD Semi-Slav,
GM Miguel Illescas - Chess Strategy Lessons - Video 15
Saenz, Illescas, Karpov, Tumakov, Nakamura
B22, D47, B74, D11 Sicilian: Alapin's variation, Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav, Sicilian: dragon classical, QGD Slav 4.e3
GM Miguel Illescas - Chess Strategy Lessons - Video 13
Reshevsky, Woliston, Kasparov, Karpov, Polgar, Ljubojevic, Deep Junior
C10, D98, B48, B44 French: Paulsen variation, Grunfeld: Russian, Sicilian: Taimanov, Sicilian: Szén variation
GM Joel’s Need to Know Basics - Video 9
Karpov, Unzicker, Petrosian, Spassky, Kasparov, Shirov, Englisch, Steinitz, Benjamin, Zaichik, Mamedyarov, Gordon
C98, E66, B33, C60, D26, D38 Ruy Lopez: closed - Chigorin - Rauzer attack, King's Indian: Fianchetto - Yugoslav Panno, Sicilian, Ruy Lopez, QGA, QGD Ragozin
GM Miguel Illescas - Chess Strategy Lessons - Video 10
Kasparov, Karpov, Winter, Capablanca, Lautier, Radulov, Westerinen, Bellon Lopez, Padevsky, Molnarova, Prokesova, Illescas
A36, C49, D45, B02, A01, B12, E66 English: symmetrical, Four Knights, QGD semi-Slav, Alekhine's defense, Nimzovich-Larsen attack, Caro-Kann, KI Panno
GM Miguel Illescas - Chess Strategy Lessons - Video 6
Karpov, Gligoric, Unzicker, Illescas, Vallejo Pons
C95, C98, A53 Ruy Lopez: closed - Breyer - Simagin variation, Ruy Lopez: closed - Chigorin - Rauzer attack, Old Indian Defense
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows - Bishop vs. Pawns - Part 4
Timman, Mestel, Short, Yermolinsky, Istratescu, Bauer, Kulaots, Bacrot, Nisipeanu, Zhao, Kortschnoj, Karpov
B76, B66, C08, C92, C43, E42
Sharpen your chess-sense with IM Watson! - Queen’s Gambit Declined #1
Nakamura, Mezentsev, Kortschnoj. Karpov
D37 Queen's Gambit Declined
Attack with LarryC: Attack the Castle!
Goldin, Efimov, Averbakh, Zak, Karpov, Stojanovic
E12, C83. C10
GM Davorin Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Python Squeeze
Karpov, Unzicker, Andersson
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Complex Minor Piece Endgames - Bishop and Knight vs. Two Knights - Part 4
Nakamura, Onischuk, Karpov, Fressinet, Leko, Ehlvest
D36, D32, D46, A07
Improve Your Chess: Highly Instructive Games - Karpov-Kasparov WC 1990
Karpov, Kasparov
Alterman’s Gambit Guide - Queen’s Gambit Accepted - Part 6
Karpov, Shirov
D20 QGA: 3.e4
GM Joel’s Chess Week Recap - Episode 59
Hou, Karpov, Lomasov, Nabaty, Samusenko, Khamrakulov, Tsolakidou
C77, A50, D02, C41, A17
GM Joel’s Chess Week Recap - Episode 6
Batsiashvili, Skripchenko,Ivanov, Reprintsev, Eliseev, Yuffa, Taimanov, Karpov
A41, C64, B19, B32
Sharpen your chess-sense with IM Watson! - Slav Defense #11
Aronian, Sokolov, Georgiev, Shoriv, Karpov, Timman, Kortschnoj, Zaric
D43 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
Ronen through Chess history: Titans in Linares
Karpov, Kasparov
E86 King's Indian, Samisch variation
Ronen through Chess history: A decade of rivarly - Part 3
Karpov, Korchnoi
A46, E17 1d4 Nf6 2Nf3 e6: Torre, London and Colle Systems, Queen's Indian: 4g3 Bb7 5Bg2 Be7
Ronen through Chess history: A decade of rivarly - Part 2
Karpov, Korchnoi
E17, C09, E04, C09 Queen's Indian: 4g3 Bb7 5Bg2 Be7, French Tarrasch: 3…c5 4exd5 exd5 5Ngf3 Nc6, Open Catalan: 5Nf3,
Ronen through Chess history: A decade of rivarly - Part 1
Karpov, Korchnoi
B78, C42 Sicilian Dragon: Yugoslav Attack, 9Bc4 sideline , Petroff Defence: 3Nxe5
Game Of the Week: GM Alexander Areshchenko vs. GM Anatoly Karpov
Areshchenko, Karpov
B01 Scandinavian Defense
Ronen through Chess history: Kasparov vs. Karpov - 1987
Karpov, Korchnoi
B08 Pirc: classical system, 5.Be2
Ronen through Chess history: Karpov vs. Kasparov
Kasparov, Karpov
A13 English: Neo Catalan
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: The missing pages of Kasparov’s books - Part 4
Kasparov, Karpov
C45 Scotch: Schmidt variation
Beyond the Opening: Closed Game Structure - QGD #7
Malaniuk, Petronijevic, Alekhine, Colle, Pillsburry, Chigorine, Karpov, Yussupov
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: The missing pages of Kasparov’s books - Part 3
Kasparov, Karpov
E12 Queen's Indian: 4.Nc3
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: The missing pages of Kasparov’s books - Part 2
Karpov, Kasparov
D37 QGD: 4.Nf3
Beyond the Opening: Closed Game Structure - QGD #4
Gelfand, Ivanchuk, Andersson, Kasparov, Karpov, Pelletier
Beyond the Opening: Closed Game Structure - QGD #2
Kasparov, Barua, Karpov, Ljuboljevic, Djuric, Pfleger
Beyond the Opening: Strong Point Centers #3
Hunt, Davies, Sorokin, Ramesh, Kasparov, Karpov
Beyond the Opening: Strong Point Centers
Galkin, Yandemirov, Zaitzev, Tukmakov, Karpov, Ivanchuk, Graf
Beyond the Opening: Isolated Pawns 11
Nilson, Stolze, Ljubojevic, Karpov
Beyond the Opening: Isolated Pawns 10
Kasparov, Karpov, Stein, Peterson, Larsen, Penrose
Attack with LarryC: Karpov gets “Pwned”
Lautier, Karpov
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: Episode 4
Ribli , Karpov
E06 Catalan: closed, 5.Nf3
Attack with LarryC: Two sacrafices: An easy and a hard
Janny, Gudju, Lautier, Karpov
Attack with LarryC: Koneru storms through the back Door
Karpov, Topalov, Koneru, Candelario
Attack with LarryC: Don’t Fianchetto Rooks vs Karpov.
Naiditsch, Gurevich, Karpov, Stojanovich