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GM Misa Pap - The Importance of Small Tactics in Endgames - Vd 13: R+B Tandem

Opening: C80, B30, C67, C42: Ruy Lopez - Open (Tarrasch) Defence, Sicilian - Rossolimo Variation, Ruy Lopez: Berlin Defence - Open Variation, Petrov's defen

Player(s): Kasparov, Anand, Aronian, Calrsen, Vachier-Lagrave, Sargissian, Svidler, Gashimov

After the Queen+Knight tandem, here is another essential one for the theory of endgames. Of course, mastering this type of tandem also involves some tactical ideas. We all know about the famous Fischer - Taimanov endgame, but that is not the only case in chess history where the power of this tandem was demonstrated. In this video, GM Misa presents a few of these games and some ideas behind maneuvers. Also, including a very new and recent game Grischuk-MVL from 2019.

Teacher's library (107) C80 B30 C67 C42 Kasparov Anand Aronian Calrsen Vachier-Lagrave Sargissian Svidler Gashimov endgame

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