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GM Misa Pap - The Importance of Small Tactics in Endgames - Vd 11: Jumpy Knights

Opening: C41, B94, C06, C80: Philidor Defence, Sicilian Najdorf - 6.Bg5, French; Tarrasch Closed Variation - Main line, Ruy Lopez: Open (Tarrasch) Defence

Player(s): Pap, Solak, Donchenko, Kasparov, Di Fonzo, Rodgaard

We all know that Knights are specific pieces. Knight has the highest surprise factor among all pieces in chess (yes, even higher than the Queen!), and it is the only piece which can jump; a Knight can attack both square colors, which is different from the Bishop (a Bishop can attack just one square color). These features make the knight very specific and important, even in endgames. And, in endgames, when the time comes, when the position allows, the knight can be very useful, and not only that. A knight can be the decisive factor in your winning strategy. If you know how to use it! Hope that you will learn and enjoy this video and at least slightly improve your abilities in taming these specific chess steeds.

Teacher's library (107) C41 B94 C06 C80 Pap Solak Donchenko Kasparov Di Fonzo Rodgaard endgame

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