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GM Joel’s Chess Week Recap - Episode 118

Opening: A54, E17, D44, D82, D53:

Player(s): Piorun, Heberla, Korobov, Andreikin, Dubov, Giri, Wojtaszek, Mamedyarob, Nakamura, Radjabov

The FIDE Grand Prix KO in Moscow is the featured event in this episode of GM Joel's weekly recap, but our GM starts with a couple of appetizers, from the Polish Championship and the IMSA World Masters Rapid in China. 

Teacher's library (453) A54 E17 D44 D82 D53 Piorun Heberla Korobov Andreikin Dubov Giri Wojtaszek Mamedyarob Nakamura Radjabov recap

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