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Game Of the Week: GM Vladislav Tkachiev vs GM Vladimir Dobrov

Opening: A51: Budapest Gambit declined

Player(s): Tkachiev, Dobrov

Three-time U.S. Champion GM Joel Benjamin brings you a new show every Friday at 15:00 Server Time. Joel is regarded by many as one of the best commentators and analysts' we have in the game today -- so if you want to get ahead of the game, get ready to tune-in!

In the Meurthe and Moselle Festival Rapid tournament in Nancy, France, most of the usual suspects made it through the prelims into the sixteen player knockout.

But a dark horse emerged, as Vladimir Dobrov knocked out Etienne Bacrot, Yannick Pelletier, and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave to make it into the finals. Dobrov met his match in the finale; Vladislav Tkachiev is not only a strong, experienced grandmaster but a specialist at fast time controls as well. In the decisive encounter, Tkachiev built up an attack and let the pieces fly, producing a spectacular and entertaining attack.


  White: GM Tkachiev
Black: GM Dobrov
Description:   Meurthe and Moselle Festival
Benko Gambit
Run Time: 00:35:08

Teacher's library (453) A51 Tkachiev Dobrov game analysis

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