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Game Of the Week: GM Vladimir Kramnik vs. GM Vassily Ivanchuk

Opening: E10: Queen's Pawn Game 3.Nf3

Player(s): Kramnik, Ivanchuk

Three-time U.S. Champion GM Joel Benjamin brings you a new show every Friday at 15:00 Server Time. Joel is regarded by many as one of the best commentators and analysts' we have in the game today -- so if you want to get ahead of the game, get ready to tune-in!

Through much of the FIDE Candidates tournament in London, Vladimir Kramnik found full points frustratingly hard to come by.

It wasn't for lack of trying, or even creating opportunities. Aronian barely escaped with a draw against him in round five, and Carlsen was fortunate to hold in round nine. This week we will feature Kramnik's round six encounter with Ivanchuk. Kramnik typically found tactical possibilities out of the normally placid Catalan opening, while Ivanchuk played his usual game of "beat the clock."


  White: GM Kramnik
Black: GM Ivanchuk
Description:   FIDE Candidates
Queen's pawn
Run Time: 00:32:28

Teacher's library (453) E10 Kramnik Ivanchuk game analysis

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