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Game Of the Week: GM Parimarjan Negi vs GM Yunesky Quesada Perez

Opening: B48: Sicilian: Taimanov Variation

Player(s): Negi, Quesad Perez

Three-time U.S. Champion GM Joel Benjamin brings you a new show every Friday at 15:00 Server Time. Joel is regarded by many as one of the best commentators and analysts' we have in the game today -- so if you want to get ahead of the game, get ready to tune-in!

With so many top grandmasters playing so many games, you know that the Olympiad is going to be chock full of excellent games. The ICC grandmaster staff presented a number of the important battles in our Game Of the Day videos, yet there were also many great games that went under the radar because the matches weren’t on the top boards or the games didn’t feature marquis players.

One such encounter was the round ten struggle between Parimarjan Negi of India and Cuba’s Yuniesky Quesada Perez. The game featured an interesting theoretical debate, attack and defense tactics in the middle game, and an unusual endgame imbalance. Let’s have a look, with our GM Joel!


  White: GM Parimarjan Negi
Black: GM Quesada Perez
Description:   40th Chess Olympiad
ECO: ECO: B68:
Run Time: 00:41:11


Teacher's library (453) B48 Negi Quesad Perez game analysis

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