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Game Of the Week: GM Nepomniachtchi vs. GM Moiseenko

Opening: B31: Sicilian: 2…Nc6 3 Bb5 g6

Player(s): Nepomniachtchi, Moiseenko

Three-time U.S. Champion GM Joel Benjamin brings you a new show every Friday at 15:00 Server Time. Joel is regarded by many as one of the best commentators and analysts' we have in the game today -- so if you want to get ahead of the game, get ready to tune-in!

Last week, during an ICC broadcast with grandmaster John Fedorowicz, the topic of exchange sacrifices came up. We reminisced about all the times I've seen John sacrifice the exchange, including two in one game.

Well, this week's game made me think of John. The positional exchange sacrifice is still an element of strategy that is hard for the average player to understand. The key is not necessarily knowing how to follow it up, but simply to appreciate the nature of the compensation. In a game from the ACP Cup, Ian Nepomniachtchi offers up an exchange to Alexander Moiseenko to get increased square control, but the continuation showed that he was just warming up. 

  White: GM Nepomniachtchi
Black: GM Moiseenko
Description:   ACP Cup. 2013
Run Time: 00:33:41

Teacher's library (453) B31 Nepomniachtchi Moiseenko game analysis

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