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Game Of the Week: GM Akopian vs. GM Chatalbashev

Opening: B07: Pirc Defense

Player(s): Akopian, Chatalbashev

Three-time U.S. Champion GM Joel Benjamin brings you a new show every Friday at 15:00 Server Time. Joel is regarded by many as one of the best commentators and analysts' we have in the game today -- so if you want to get ahead of the game, get ready to tune-in!

For this week's show I would like to take a look at an opening we have rarely featured here, the Pirc Defense.

In the game between Vladimir Akopian and Boris Chatalbashev from the Bronstein Memorial Open in Minsk, the players left the beaten path early, with many possible interesting tactical skirmishes. The result hinged on a few serious errors in a complex and unusual situation.

  White: GM Akopian
Black: GM Chatalbashev
Description:   Bronstein Memorial Open 2014
ECO:  ECO: B07
Pirc Defense
Run Time: 00:33:30

Teacher's library (453) B07 Akopian Chatalbashev game analysis

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