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World Cup 2015 - Game Of the Day - Final Playoffs

Opening: :

Player(s): Karjakin, Svidler

GM Ronen Har-Zvi recaps the playoffs of the Finals. Next time someone tells you that chess is a boring game, tell them to go check the final games of the FIDE World Cup 2015. Ten decisive games in a row. Probably a record. What an amazing finish! After Karjakin's great comeback in the last two games with "regular" time control, today it's just been unbelievable. Blunders everywhere, games thrown away, strokes of absolute genius, everything you'd never expect to see in a match between two of the best players in the world, even in Rapid and Blitz play. But there are reasons for this to have happened, obviously. Three weeks of exhausting chess, emotions, nerves, knowing that every game could be decisive. It would be impossible to list all the topic moments in a short article, and for that you can watch the excellent video recap by GM Ronen-Har-Zvi. Let's just say that it was absolutely incredible, intense, exaggerated, amazing, beautiful, tragic, dramatic... and I am running short of adjectives to describe what happened today in Baku. Congratulations to both, to their resilience and talent. If it were possible, the first place should be split between these two fantastic players.

Teacher's library (601) Karjakin Svidler recap

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World Cup 2015 - Game Of the Day - Final Playoffs

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