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Ronen through Chess history: World Cup 2007: Carlsen - Adams and Kamsky - Carlsen

Opening: E36, C43: Nimzo-Indian, Petrov

Player(s): Carlsen, Adams, Kamsky

New Show for our GM Ronen Har-Zvi! After years of investigating openings, Ronen moves on to present his fans with a brand new show. In these videos, GM Indiana-Jones will go through historical games, those which have made the history of our beloved Game. Chess history at your fingertips in ICC: historical background, stories, anecdotes, and even gossip!

GM Har-Zvi this week continues to guide us toward the World Championship Match between Anand And Carlsen that will take place in a couple weeks. Ronen is going to show us the two contenders' style of play in the next weeks. In this show, Ronen shows us the most important games from the 2007 World Cup, where a young Carlsen beat GM Adams and lost to American GM Gata Kasmky, who eventually won the World Cup that year.

Teacher's library (601) E36 C43 Carlsen Adams Kamsky game analysis

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