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Ronen through Chess history: The Game of the Century

Opening: D97: Grünfeld: Russian System: 7e4 replies other than 7… Bg4

Player(s): Byrne, Fischer

New Show for our GM Ronen Har-Zvi! After years of investigating openings, Ronen moves on to present his fans with a brand new show. In these videos, GM Indiana-Jones will go through historical games, those which have made the history of our beloved Game. Chess history at your fingertips in ICC: historical background, stories, anecdotes, and even gossip!

Ronen Indiana-Jones Har-Zvi this week brings us into the "Game of the Century": Donald Byrne vs. 13-year-old Bobby Fischer, played in the Rosenwald Memorial Tournament in New York City on October 17, 1956. It was nicknamed "The Game of the Century" by Hans Kmoch in Chess Review. Kmoch wrote, "The following game, a stunning masterpiece of combination play performed by a boy of 13 against a formidable opponent, matches the finest on record in the history of chess prodigies." Ronen, with his unique style, comments on this immortal piece of Chess history. Enjoy!

Teacher's library (601) D97 Byrne Fischer game analysis

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