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Ronen through Chess history: Garry’s masterpiece

Opening: B07: Pirc Defence: Miscellaneous Systems

Player(s): Kasparov, Topalov

New Show for our GM Ronen Har-Zvi! After years of investigating openings, Ronen moves on to present his fans with a brand new show. In these videos, GM Indiana-Jones will go through historical games, those which have made the history of our beloved Game. Chess history at your fingertips in ICC: historical background, stories, anecdotes, and even gossip!

Ronen Indiana-Jones Har-Zvi this week brings to us an absolute masterpiece: Kasparov - Topalov, played in Wjik aan Zee in 1999. Kasparov himself often refers to this game as one of his best. Let's follow Ronen's analysis of this game, which is as always interesting and precise.

Teacher's library (601) B07 Kasparov Topalov game analysis

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 17

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 17

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 16

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GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Python Squeeze

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve for Black - Part 4

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 15

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 15

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve for Black - Part 3

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 14

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GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Open Files

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve for Black - Part 2

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 13

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 13

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Semi-open Files

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve for Black - Part 1

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve for Black - Part 1

GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 12

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 12

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Outpost

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 11

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GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”-  Breakthrough

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Sicilian Morra Gambit - Part 1

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 10

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 10

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”- Prophylactic Thinking

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Scandinavian Inverted Budapest Gambit Part 2

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 9

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 9

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”- Schematic Thinking - Part 2

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Scandinavian Inverted Budapest Gambit Part 1

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B01 IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Scandinavian Inverted Budapest Gambit Part 1

GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 8

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 8

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position”- Schematic Thinking - Part 1

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IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Ruy Lopez Centre Attack - Part 1

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 7

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 7

GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position” - Introduction

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GM Kuljasevic’s “Mastering Closed Position” - Introduction

IM Michael Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Austrian Attack Part 2

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 6

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IM Michael Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Austrian Attack Part 1

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 5

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 5

IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Nimzowitsch Defense - Part 2

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 4

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GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 4

GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 10

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GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 10

IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Nimzowitsch Defense - Part 1

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B00 IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - Nimzowitsch Defense - Part 1

GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 3

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GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 9

Added on 04.17.2024
GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 9

IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - French Wing Gambit - Part 2

Added on 04.15.2024
C00 IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - French Wing Gambit - Part 2

GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 2

Added on 04.12.2024
GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 2

GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 8

Added on 04.10.2024
GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 8

IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - French Wing Gambit - Part 1

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C00 IM Rahal Ace up Your Sleeve - French Wing Gambit - Part 1

GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 1

Added on 04.05.2024
A80, A00, C20 GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 1

GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 7

Added on 04.03.2024
GM Davorin Kuljasevic - Mastering Piece Trades - Video 7