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Opening Survey: French: Pseudo-Steinitz - Part 2

Opening: C11: French: Steinitz variation


In a new series of “New Ideas In….” to accompany his recent series on the Rubinstein French, GM Ronen Har-Zvi takes as look at the Psuedo-Steinitz variation of the French Defence with 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 Nf6 4 e5 Ne4!? While this interesting line can also be played against the Tarrasch with 3 Nd2, it’s best against 3 Nc3, as White has the strong option of ignoring the Knight on e4 and playing Bd3 and c3.

The idea is to break down the White center as quickly as possible - and, if White takes on e4, the Black pawn stops White’s natural development - and the Psuedo-Steinitz is regarded as a good alternative line for players of the French Defence.

Teacher's library (601) C11 opening

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