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Opening Survey:  Anti-Grunfeld systems - Part 1

Opening: D80: Grunfeld Defense


The Grunfeld Defense is one of those annoying openings that torment all 1 d4 players. After 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 d5 Black immediately begins active operations in the center and, more importantly, forces White to memorize a labyrinth of variations if he hopes to have any real chance at walking away with an advantage.  But have no fear as there’s one Anti-Grunfeld line - favored by Veselin Topalov, among others - that’s fast becoming a panacea for white with easy play and troubles for black, and that’s lines with 4 Qa4+.  And in a new series of Ronen’s Opening Survey, our openings expert takes a look at these Anti-Grunfeld lines. 

Teacher's library (601) D80 opening

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