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Opening Survey: Alapin Sicilian - Part 3

Opening: B22: Sicilian: Alapin's variation (2.c3)


For many players not having the time or inclination studying the never-ending labyrinth of mainline Sicilians, such as the Najdorf, Dragon, Taimanov and Sveshnikov, the Alapin with 1. e4 c5 2. c3 has proved to be a very popular alternative.

It is named after the Russian master Semyon Alapin (1856-1923), and today it is one of the most solid and respected Anti-Sicilians, championed by many club players and leading grandmasters, such as Evgeny Sveshnikov, Eduardas Rozentalis, and Sergey Tiviakov.

And now in his latest series of "New Ideas In... ", GM Ronen Har-Zvi takes a closer look at this very popular Anti-Sicilian line.

Teacher's library (601) B22 opening

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