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London Chess Classic 2015 - Round 8 Recap

Opening: A07: Reti: King's Indian attack, French variation

Player(s): Giri, Nakamura

GM Alex Yermolinsky recaps Round 8. With today's game, young GM Anish Giri poses a serious and heavy word on who is the real challenger to Carlsen for the World Title. Giri played an amazing game, showing how brilliant, accurate and ruthless his chess can be. With a rip-roaring sequence of moves he annihilated one of the strongest players in the world. There was nothing Nakamura could do to fight back such a storm. MVL drew with Adams, who so far has been able to hold all the big guys, without losing a game; so much for calling himself the "underdog"! Carlsen tried again his notorious squeezing strategy, today against Topalov, but this time the World Champion could not get his opponent to made a mistake, and the long endgame finished in a draw. Anand fought hard against Caruana, who seemed to have an advantage in the endgame, to draw an important game, after two consecutive losses. Giri joins MVL on top of the standings at 5 points, with one round to go. Half a point behind three wolves ready to bite: Carlsen, Aronian and Grischuk. With 4 points Caruana and the excellent Adams; Nakamura 3.5, Anand 3 and Topalov 2 points. Last round starts at 9AM EST -- 15:00 CET. Pairings: Anand-Giri, Adams-Caruana, Aronian-MVL, Carlsen-Grischuk, Nakamura-Topalov.

Teacher's library (718) A07 Giri Nakamura recap

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London Chess Classic 2015 - Round 8 Recap

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