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Learn How to Win with GM Boris! - Space Advantage #5

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In this new series, GM Boris Alterman focuses his attention on a very important concept in chess: space advantage.
A space advantage simply refers to the possession of more squares than your opponent. Other things being equal, the side that controls more space on the board has an advantage. More space means more options, which can be exploited both tactically and strategically. The easiest way to gain space is to push the pawn skeleton forward. Capablanca said: ....

If you have an advantage in space avoid exchanges, which can lead to exemption of the play. When you have an advantage in space your opponent’s figures choke of the lack of space and fetter in maneuvers. That is the reason why you should avoid exchanges in such a situation. Every exchange should be motivated; it means it should bring some positional or tactical dividends. When you have a lack of space, try to exchange pieces to give your forces more room for maneuvering.


Be careful not to over-stretch your pawns structure, though! If the opponent succeeds in getting a protected square behind enemy lines, this strong outpost can become a serious problem for you.
When you have a space advantage you can move pieces fast from one flank to another to create weaknesses. Opponent's pieces which have limited space hardly could be transferred back fast enough to defend a new weakness.
Don't miss this new and instructive series of GM Alterman's weekly Chess.FM show "Learn How to Win with GM Boris!"

Teacher's library (327) midgame

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