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Improve Your Chess: Rare French Sideline Leads to Instructive Game

Opening: C10: French Defense: Classical 3...Nc6


Black varies with 3...Nc6 in a Classical French and the game takes an original turn. White errs by allowing Black more central pawns but still could retain a slight advantage with perfect play. Instead both sides make minor errors which result in a big kingside attack for Black. White defends poorly and Black gets a winning attack, but misplays it slightly and White could hang on. Instead White chooses the wrong time to play passively and Black just ends up ahead a pawn with a better game. White finally blunders a piece and does not resign, so eventually Black ends up with a trivially winning queen and pawn endgame.

Teacher's library (484) C10 game analysis

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Improve Your Chess: Rare French Sideline Leads to Instructive Game

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