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Improve Your Chess: Just for Fun Queen Sac

Opening: D11: QGD Slav: 3.Nf3


National Master Dan Heisman is a name that is synonymous with excellence in chess coaching and teaching. Dan authors the award-winning Novice Nook column (winner of three Chess Journalists of America "Best Instruction" awards), aimed at improving adults, for that are clearly written and offer very practical advice and tips on how to improve your game. More info about Dan can be found here.

In the new Improve Your Chess series, Dan provides instruction by reviewing amateur games played on ICC and showing where the players went wrong and how to improve.

In today's game, White gets a nice lead in development and eventually Black sacrifices the exchange so he can castle. Then White makes one inaccurate move and the tables turn and Black gets a strong initiative. Eventually White's queen is trapped and he has to go into an endgame with a rook and bishop vs a queen. Black eventually runs into a brick wall and so decides to make a "just for fun" queen sacrifice in a last attempt to win. 

Teacher's library (484) D11 game analysis

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