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Improve Your Chess: Dan vs Computer 6 (Part 2)

Opening: A30: English Opening Symmetric Variation


Another in my continuing series of "think out loud" games vs the computer. The engine (BethO), playing White, moves its queen multiple times in the opening, losing time. I miss the best continuation, but still get a massive lead in development. By the end of the first video the game is over positionally, as I have all my pieces in play and Betho only has the queen and maybe one other piece. Once all my pieces are ready to attack I blast open the center and go after the king. With so little development and an exposed king, White can't last long. Making use of some weaknesses on the dark squares, I find a mating attack which ends the game with almost all of White's pieces on useless squares.

Teacher's library (484) A30 game analysis

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Improve Your Chess: Dan vs Computer 6 (Part 2)

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