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IM Valeri Lilov’s Openings for Attacking Players - Win with the Najdorf!

Opening: B90: Sicilian: Najdorf


What is often considered the most comfortable opening to counter with the Sicilian? While the answer is always complicated, there is one line that, even though it seems complicated, allows black to acquire enough resources for an efficient counterplay from an early stage. Meet the Najdorf! The Sicilian Najdorf has been one of the most popular openings since the 1950s and still remains the primary choice by many players, professional and club players alike. The essential idea behind this opening is to help black engage in a quick positional counterattack, following the swift development. Its natural setup is pretty straightforward, but the complexity of ideas provides for a vibrant and quite colorful battle for an opening advantage. Check IM Lilov's new video to learn more about how you can attack with the Najdorf!

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