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GM Yermolinsky - What it takes to be a complete 1.d4 player - Queen’s Indian - g3 - Vd 6

Opening: E18: Queen's Indian - Old Main line with 7.Nc3

Player(s): Panchanatham, Yermolinsky, Stupak

In the main variation with ...Ne4 I always preferred to reply with a modest move Bd2. Black has many options in return. In Videos 1 and 2 we saw a Kings Indian type of position, and now it's time to study what happens in a Benoni structure. Again, White is lacking an important dark-squared bishop, so he has to seek unusual ideas. Video #3 shares my attempts to follow games of Karpov and Kasparov, with slight alterations caused by memory lapses on my part. Still, it was enjoyable. Video #4 is a memorable game for me. I was able to inflict a rare defeat on GM Boris Gulko by introducing a host of new ideas in a Dutch-like structure, yet another possible permutation of the Bd2 variation. Two more games with GM Gulko shown in Video #5 illustrate the implications of White's attempt to impose his move order. Boris allowed me to push the pawn to d5 and both times defended successfully. The last video of the series returns us to the plan with d7-d5, which is more characteristic of the QGD or even the Dutch. You can download the games in PGN format HERE

Teacher's library (718) E18 Panchanatham Yermolinsky Stupak opening

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