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GM Yermolinsky - What it takes to be a complete 1.d4 player - Queen’s Indian - Vd 6

Opening: E12: Queen's Indian Defence

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Rosen

The previous two-video series on the Nimzo left some viewers not fully satisfied with the scarcity of material. How come I only played the white side of the Nimzo a handful of times? The answer is, I avoided it, by choosing, instead, to take the game into the Queens Indian Defense, which I most often answered with Petrosian's move 4.a3. My choice was heavily influenced by a success the future World Champion Garry Kasparov had with this line in the early 1980s.
Moving on, the next two videos are devoted to a modern line with 4...Ba6. The resulting structures are more in the tune with the English Opening, as White is forced to trade his d-pawn. You can download the games in PGN format HERE.

Teacher's library (718) E12 Yermolinsky Rosen opening

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