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GM Yermolinsky - What it takes to be a complete 1.d4 player - Queen’s Indian - Vd 3

Opening: E12: Queen's Indian Defense

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Ivanov, Burnett

The previous two-video series on the Nimzo left some viewers not fully satisfied with the scarcity of material. How come I only played the white side of the Nimzo a handful of times? The answer is, I avoided it, by choosing, instead, to take the game into the Queens Indian Defense, which I most often answered with Petrosian's move 4.a3. My choice was heavily influenced by a success the future World Champion Garry Kasparov had with this line in the early 1980's.
Video 3 deals with a different pawn structure arising from the recapture on d5 with the e-pawn. The tempo White spent on the 4.a3 move gives Black hope his hanging pawns may provide for counterplay. You can download the games in PGN format HERE

Teacher's library (718) E12 Yermolinsky Ivanov Burnett opening

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