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GM Yermolinsky - What it takes to be a complete 1.d4 player - KID - Part 6

Opening: E71: King's Indian Makogonov System (5.h3)

Player(s): Barcenilla, Treger, Yermolinsky

Moving on to video #2 I first show another example of h7-h6. This time Black played more carefully, but the defection of his pieces to the kingside allowed White to get a firm grip on the b6-square - a rare occasion in the Benoni. IM Martin Del Campo's wild counterattack attempt fell way short. The Popovich game illustrates a different approach. Black threw in a weird Queen move to support his counterplay in the center and queenside, trying to punish White for neglecting his knight development and lack of castling. It turned out, however, that that knight could find a comfortable position on g3, while the b7-b5 advance could largely be ignored. You can download the games in PGN format HERE

Teacher's library (718) E71 Barcenilla Treger Yermolinsky opening

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