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GM Yermolinsky - What it takes to be a complete 1.d4 player - KID - Bits and Pieces - 1

Opening: E70: King's Indian: 4.e4

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Bercys, Kempinski

Experience counts. The countless games and analysis of the 3.h3, Bg5 system I had accumulated over the years enabled me to tinker with the move order while staying within the framework of the desired plan. The early Bg5 sideline, and various systems with the white knight going to e2 (with or without the Bd3 move) may all transpose to something we already familiar with. The advantages are obvious, especially in preparations against a particular opponent. In the games shown in this short series I was expecting my opponents to stay with the e7-e5 plan, because that's what they normally do, while possible transition to Benoni structures would have presented me with a bigger challenge. It didn't happen, and I was able to get to the type of position I wanted. I think this series represents an appropriate conclusion to the whole complete 1.d4 player business. You can download the games in PGN format HERE

Teacher's library (718) E70 Yermolinsky Bercys Kempinski opening

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