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GM Yermolinsky - Remembering Viktor Kupreichik - Part 3

Opening: E90: King's Indian: 5.Nf3

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Kupreichik

In my time in the Soviet Union, I was very fortunate to meet many great players, both on and off the board. The tournaments back then tended to be long, 15-17 rounds, played with adjournments and lasted nearly a month, which left a lot of time for the players to socialize. The non-stop chess talk, long post-mortems, and adjourned games analysis made up for the lack of coaching, at least in my case. Among the players whose company I enjoyed was the Belorussian Grandmaster Viktor Kupreichik. Nine years my senior, Viktor had a much greater list of accomplishments, yet I never sensed any kind of self-importance coming from him - he talked to me as equal.

Teacher's library (718) E90 Yermolinsky Kupreichik game analysis

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