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GM Yermolinski - Return of the rook Endgame – Winning Plan with the Pawn on the 7th - Part 2

Opening: B41, E19, B51: Sicilian: Kan Variation, Queen's Indian: Old Main line - 9.Qxc3, Sicilian: Canal–Sokolsky Attack

Player(s): Becerra, Nakamura, Skatchkov, Iliushkin, Najer, Nepomniachtchi

Some years ago, I made a comprehensive study of a winning plan in typical rook endgame scenarios, when the defender's rook controls the outside passed pawn from behind. The idea is to push that pawn all the way to the 7th rank. By doing this, the attacker leaves his rook stuck in front of the pawn and cannot support it with the king because of checks, but the advantages are numerous. 1) The defender's rook has to stay behind the pawn and cannot take any pawns on the other side. 2) The defending king has to hide from checks from the 8th rank and often confined to a restricted area of the board. The attacker has to identify a target in the defender's pawn structure and look for pawn breakthroughs.

Teacher's library (718) B41 E19 B51 Becerra Nakamura Skatchkov Iliushkin Najer Nepomniachtchi endgame

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