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GM Yermo Teaches You Openings! - The Averbakh KID - Part 5

Opening: E73: King's Indian - 5.Be2

Player(s): Basin, Yermolinsky

I always wanted to play the King's Indian. I was attracted to great attacking possibilities this opening can offer, particularly in the Classical Mar del Plata variation. The problem was that many players of my generation followed a different strategy as White. Instead of castling kingside and focusing their efforts on the queenside, they followed the lead established by Averbakh and Polugaevsky. White closes the center immediately (d4-d5 to answer e7-e5) and keeps his king in the middle for some time. Black has to tread carefully: an early attempt to play f7-f5 may backfire, while the patterns of counterplay on the other side of the board aren't easily defined. There were many games I found in chess magazines in the late '70s and early '80s that saw White triumph, almost to the extent of making KID look unplayable.

Teacher's library (718) E73 Basin Yermolinsky opening

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