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GM Yermo Teaches You Openings! - Sicilian: Richter-Rauser Attack - Part 1

Opening: B67: Sicilian: Ricther-Rauzer Attack

Player(s): Ljubojevic, Gheorghiu, Torre

The Classical Sicilian would be a great opening to play if it wasn't for the Richter-Rauser Attack, or so was the expert opinion from the 1950s onward. I had played the Scheveningen throughout my school years but needed a new opening weapon in preparation for a World Junior Qualifier. Luckily someone mentioned a couple of games from the recent Manila Interzonal, where a new (for me) line against the R-R was tried by the Romanian GM Florin Gheorghiu. Once I played over the games, that was it for me. I have been playing it ever since, but it hasn't been all peaches. This new series of videos will tell the story.

Teacher's library (718) B67 Ljubojevic Gheorghiu Torre opening

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