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GM Yermo in Mexico City! - Part 2

Opening: E54, A28, A09: Nimzo-Indian: 4.e3 - Gligoric System with 7...dxc4, English Opening: Four Knights System, Réti Opening: 1...d5 2.c4

Player(s): Yermolinsky, Cardoso Cardoso, Garcia Guerrero, Sanchez Enriquez

I hadn't traveled to chess tournaments in fourteen months, which is the longest stretch in my life since I was about 12 years old, so it was expected that I would jump on the first opportunity to get back on the road. Courtesy of my old friend GM Shabalov and some new friends I made during my previous visits to Mexico, I was invited to take part in the ITT Magistral Fenamac chess festival. It was the first big chess event in Mexico since the pandemic hit, and, hopefully, it will be followed by many others. Chess players all over the world are itching to get back into their way of life, and the Mexican Chess Federation is doing its part in making this happen. Grupo A was a 10-player Round-Robin reaching FIDE Category 8 with GM and IM norms possible. The foreign contingent consisted of Shabalov and myself from the United States, GM Henriquez Villagra of Chile, GM Obregon of Cuba, and FM Cardoso Cardoso of Colombia. The field was completed by five Mexican players, including GM Ibarra.

Teacher's library (718) E54 A28 A09 Yermolinsky Cardoso Cardoso Garcia Guerrero Sanchez Enriquez game analysis

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