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GM Petrov: Surprise Repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5, 2.Nf3 - Video 4: 2…d5

Opening: C40: King's Knight Opening (includes Gunderam Defence Brazilian Defense Greco Defence Damiano Defence Elephant Gambit)


In this video, we will see another interesting rare line; it is 2....d5
White immediately has to make an important decision as he has a few options. Most of the time, even if he is a strong player, he is not prepared for such a line.
If he goes for 3. d4 black has a few good options. The simplest is dxe4 and then Nd7 to exchange that knight; after that, black is fine.
If 3.Nxe5 black has two options. The main line is Bd6 d4 dxe4, where the idea is to follow with Bxe5, and the endgame is equal.
Also is possible dxe4, and then there are some tricky lines where both sides have to be careful.
And finally, the main line and probably best for white is 3 exd5. Now black has 3 options Qxd5, Bd6, a gambit line, and the most popular move, e4.
In all of them, black has interesting play or compensation where he decided to play for development and to have the initiative.

Teacher's library (147) C40 opening

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