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GM Misa Pap’s “Volga Benko Gambit” - Pushing e6

Opening: A57: Benko Gambit

Player(s): Pap, Markus, Stedlak, Stojanovic, Milanovic

In this video, we will see different moments when you can use the e6 pawn push. Of course, it is meant to undermine white's center (usually the d5-e4 pawn chain). Pushing e6 could be useful in a variety of positions, and here you can see some parts of those. Sometimes, you can also push e5 when white is forced to take on e6. For example, in the f3 line, black should almost always push e6 and in some other lines as well. Not to mention the very sharp idea, in the e4 Bf1 line, where black has his Queen on a6 or b6, and then he can opt for e6 if he wants (but he doesn't have to, that is the whole beauty of the Volga-Benko gambit!). So, again, usually, this e6 pawn push goes together with other motifs, and if you carefully followed this series, you already have an idea of what it means. For example, after breaking white's pawn center, black gets free piece play and more effective options.

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Teacher's library (107) OFFICIAL COURSE 11 A57 Pap Markus Stedlak Stojanovic Milanovic opening

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