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GM Misa Pap’s “Volga Benko Gambit” - Initiative in the Endgame

Opening: A57: Benko Gambit

Player(s): Pap, Ristic, Kojovic, Etchegaray

We are at the end of this series. I hope that you enjoyed it, and also managed to learn something along the way.
Here, we are going to see that although the Benko Gambit is a very active and dynamic opening, with great counterattacking chances, you can develop initiative even in the endgame! Fantastic, isn't it?
Of course, it doesn't happen too often, as we usually will try to outplay and beat our opponent in the middlegame. But, when such an option exists, you might want to use it in positions that simply transpose to the endgame, where you will be still calling the shots, and white will have to defend! I will present some instructive examples to back up my claims, and I hope that you will find them useful.

Stay strong, and of course, play the Volga/Benko gambit!

Teacher's library (107) OFFICIAL COURSE 11 A57 Pap Ristic Kojovic Etchegaray opening

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