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GM Misa Pap’s “Make the Right Decisions in Critical Positions!” - Small advantages

Opening: C43, B22: Philidor's Defence, Sicilian Alapin

Player(s): Pap, Avram, Popovic

There are positions in the middlegame where you can feel you have a small edge. Obviously, you'd like to find a way to increase that little advantage, but it's not always easy. From a small advantage to win the game, there is a long way to go. But if you assess your position carefully, and follow Misa's instructions, it will become easier! In this 10th video of the series, GM Pap shows you how to focus on small advantages, how to understand if there is one, and - most importantly - how to use a small advantage to increase the pressure on your opponent's forces.

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Teacher's library (107) OFFICIAL COURSE 12 C43 B22 Pap Avram Popovic midgame

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