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GM Misa Pap - The Importance of Small Tactics in Endgames - Vd 5: Pawn Promotion

Opening: C01, B33, B30: French: Exchange Variation, Sicilian: Sveshnikov (Lasker–Pelikan) Variation, Sicilian Defence: 2.Nf3 Nc6 (without 3.Bb5 g6

Player(s): Pap, Kovacevic, Nestorovic, Marinkovic

Of course, this one must be crucial because we have a rule of promotion in chess. Therefore, if you manage to promote your pawn, usually to Queen, you are generally winning.
 This theme doesn't need too much explanation; in the video, GM Misa shows a few interesting tactical ideas on how it can be done.
  Sometimes you can even sacrifice some material to get your new Queen on the board. Because like Botvinnik said: "A Queen is a Queen!".

Teacher's library (107) C01 B33 B30 Pap Kovacevic Nestorovic Marinkovic endgame

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