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GM Misa Pap - The Importance of Small Tactics in Endgames - Vd 10: Bishop pair Power

Opening: B32, C07, B01: Sicilian Defence: 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4, French: Tarrasch Open Variation, Scandinavian Defence (Center Counter Defence) 1...d5

Player(s): Pap, Aleksic, Kovic, Savic

As we all know, the Bishop pair can be a significant advantage, especially in the endgame. Of course, such an advantage is not "given" or something just there without any effort by your side. To use such advantage and power of those famous 2 Bishops, you really need to know some things about these types of positions. For example, one of the advantages is that you can almost always trade one of your Bishops and secure yourself a transposition to a more advantageous or even winning endgame. Also, it is good to know that if you have more light pieces on the board, it is almost always a good idea to exchange a pair of Knights and then play with just Bishop pair vs. opponent's Bishop and Knight, etc. Also, in some positions, if your Bishop pair is strong, rook and 2 Bishops can be equally strong or even stronger than 2 rooks and Knight! etc. In this video, we will also see some tactical features of those 2 Bishops...Enjoy!

Teacher's library (107) B32 C07 B01 Pap Aleksic Kovic Savic endgame

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