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GM Misa Pap - Strategic Planning in Chess - Vd1 - Isolani Breakthrough

Opening: B22, D42: Sicilian: Alapin Variation, QGD; Semi-Tarrasch 7.Bd3

Player(s): Pap, Sertic, Kler Borko, Forcen Esteban

The side with an isolated pawn (isolani) needs to be careful and use one of the active plans to avoid ending up in a worse endgame with a weak pawn. One of those ideas is to push that pawn (d4-d5 push with white) when a suitable situation arises. This plan is not very often seen in practice because players learned how to play vs. isolani over time, but still, when you get a chance to employ it, it feels great! And, usually in subsequent play, after such a break, you get the initiative.

Teacher's library (107) B22 D42 Pap Sertic Kler Borko Forcen Esteban game analysis

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