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GM Misa Pap - How to beat the Sicilian Sveshnikov - Video 9: Black plays 0-0

Opening: B33: Sicilian Sveshnikov

Player(s): Giri, Shirov, Leko, Radjabov, Ivanchuk, Johannessen, Topalov, Kasparov, Vitiugov, Jiang

This video is about the "main" line in the Nd5, Bf6, Bf6 variation. Black plays in a "normal" way with 0-0 and Bg5, trying to organize his counterplay either with f5 or with g6-f5. Black has to seek out some counterplay because, as we know, he has a backward d6 pawn and sometimes even a weak a5 pawn. Here, GM Misa recommends the 16.b3 line, which is quite good and reliable, where white should have at least a minimal advantage. If you work through the examples carefully, you might even be able to get a significant advantage straight out of the opening against some opponents who are not optimally prepared.

Teacher's library (107) B33 Giri Shirov Leko Radjabov Ivanchuk Johannessen Topalov Kasparov Vitiugov Jiang opening

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